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Happiness is the Mystery, and it is always already alive and forever. Of this I am very, very sure.

from an adaption for children of The Knee Of Listening by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

The Heart of Happiness

The following is from an adaption for children of The Knee Of Listening by Avatar Adi Da Samraj:

The Mystery, or Happiness, is greater than death. Everyone who has ever lived has died. But the Mystery goes on and on. Even though things are born and change and die, it does not change the beauty and wonder of the flowers, or even you and Me. Therefore, we should be happy in the Mystery all the time. Just remember to keep on remembering Real God, or the Mystery, and you will be happy no matter what happens.

Happiness is the Mystery, and it is always already alive and forever. Of this I am very, very sure.

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