courses guided_meditations

Happiness (or True Love Bliss) Is Realization Of That Which Is Always Already The Case.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from My Divine Disclosure

Where are You?

Note: it works very well to follow this meditation with an art period. The children can quietly come out of the meditation and draw or paint where they have “been” and/or what it felt like during the meditation.

Children also like to discuss what they saw and how they felt, and this offers a natural way for the guide to discuss how everyone has different experiences but the feeling of the Mystery is the same for all. The feeling of the Mystery is always present and remains the same, and experiences change and pass away. This is why we can feel the happiness of the Mystery any time, no matter what our experiences are in any moment.

Lie on your back and spread out your arms to make sure you are not touching anyone. If you touch someone, move away until you have space to yourself. Now place your arms at your sides and close your eyes.

Take a deep breathe into your whole body.

Take a deep breathe out.

Keep taking strong, slow, deep breaths into your whole body.

Feel your tummy rise up as you breathe in and sink in as you breathe out.

Your breath is a mysterious wind that fills you with a wild feeling of Happiness.

As you breathe out you relax more and more.

Your breath is a mysterious wind that fills you with a wild feeling of Happiness.


Breathe the wild happiness into your tummy.

Breathe the wild happiness into your heart.

Breathe the wild happiness into your feet.

Breathe the wild happiness into your legs.

Breathe the wild happiness into your back.

Breathe the wild happiness into your arms and hands.

Breathe the wild happiness into your chest and heart.

Breathe the wild happiness into your neck and face.

Breathe the wild happiness into your head and the top of your head.


You are in the wild happiness of the Mystery.

Where are you?

Are you flying?

Are you floating?

What can you see?

Where is the wind of your breath coming from?

Where is the wind of your breath taking you?

(Long pause)

You are remembering the feeling of the Mystery.

This wild freedom is your true home.


Now you can move your body gently with the wind of your breath. Stretch your legs and arms gently.

Stay in the calm and relaxed and happy feeling of the Mystery.

Now you can open your eyes and return to the room.

When you feel ready, sit up quietly.

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