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Children should enjoy a feeling, breathing relationship with the Mystery, the Divine Reality and Truth. They must learn to recognize the Happiness that is felt in relationship to the Mystery. Childhood should be seen in terms of a pattern of growth where the child is always served to transcend the limits of his or her current adaptation, through living association with the Spiritual Principle of Happiness. Orient them to a Spiritual understanding and practice of existence.

—Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Feel The Mystery

The following excerpt is from Avatar Adi Da Samraj’s book of Spiritual Instruction for children, What, Where, When, How, Why and Who To Remember To Be Happy. Here He offers children (of all ages) the simple secret of how to realize true Happiness every day of their lives:

So the way to keep on being happy every day until you go to sleep is to remember the Mystery. Just keep on remembering that you, with everybody else, do not know what even a single thing Is—not even an apple.

Just remember this—or remember Real God, which is the same thing. Keep on remembering Real God as the Mystery, and you will feel happy and act happy to others—and so you will keep on loving and helping others, so the world won’t get all afraid, and stupid, and unable to sleep or play or work. . . .

If you will remember everyday to feel and breathe the Mystery, and if you will remember to feel that you are more than what you look like, and if you will remember to Be the Mystery Itself—then you will be happy every day. And all kinds of more-than-wonderful happenings will come up for you. You will feel happy, and you will always love and help others—even those who are having trouble feeling happy, and are even trying to make you forget the Mystery.

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