library quotes

"Happiness is the Mystery, and it is always already alive and forever. Of this I am very, very sure."

—adapted for children from The Knee Of Listening by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Who To Remember To Be Happy

Happiness is the Mystery, and it is always already alive and forever. Of this I am very, very sure.
—adapted for children from The Knee Of Listening by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Even all My friends can easily always forever remember and feel and breathe and love and Be the Mystery—if only they remember Me, and feel Me, and breathe Me, and love Me.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy

I have always been remembering and feeling and breathing and loving and Being the Mystery. And I was born so that I could be everyone’s Friend—by Showing them the Mystery, and Teaching them about the Mystery, and Helping them to remember and feel and breathe and love and Be the Mystery.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from What, Where, When, How, Why, and Who To Remember To Be Happy

Educate everyone—from conception on—to live in freedom, to live in Truth, to Commune with Me and to adapt rightly, stage by stage, to every function of their conditional existence and to the Ultimate, or Unconditional, Condition That I Am and That I Reveal.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from Love, Wisdom, and Happiness in the First Three Stages of Life

As My devotee, you must not merely wait for others to do something to make you Happy. If you choose to wait for Happiness, you will only wait forever—in your always already and self-appointed un-Happiness (at wait). Instead, you must be Happy—in Me.
—Avatar Adi Da Samraj
from Remember The Mystery In Which you Live

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Courses - Online Courses

library quotes

"The Mystery, or Happiness, is greater than death. Everyone who has ever lived has died. But the Mystery goes on and on."

adapted for children from The Knee Of Listening by Avatar Adi Da Samraj

Online Courses

VMI offers a number of online courses throughout the year, including valuable group classes and discussions as well as a full curriculum for private study.

Feel free to contact us for more information

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